How to add an Event to an Answer of a Panel

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The right panel for panel answers in the editor.

Panels can be assigned Answers, which allow an end-user to interact with a Session based on the information provided in the Panel. Exactly what interaction takes place must be explicitly configured.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Panels (Ribbon bar) → Answer of a panel (Left panel)
How to add an Event to an Answer of a Panel:
  1. Open the list of Panels.
  2. Select the Answer you wish to configure
  3. At the bottom of the right panel, select "Add Server Event" or "Add Client Event", depending on the intended Event.
  4. Select the now added "NO_DEF" Event.
  5. In the bottom panel, select and configure the desired Event.
  6. In the bottom panel, click on "Commit".
  7. Selecting the Answer will now effect the intended interaction.

See also