How to create a subdomain

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A subdomain enables you to give other users access to your domain in a separate subdomain: The user gets access to this subdomain only and cannot see or edit other projects or subdomains in your domain. The option for creating a subdomain is available only for users with a Commercial Partnership. For more information on the Tygron Partnerships see available types of licenses and partnerships on our website or contact

Main Menu → Options → My license

How to create a subdomain:
  1. Click edit in the line 'sub domains'
  2. On the bottom right corner you can now click add
  3. Enter the name of the subdomain
  4. Enter the amount of km2 per subdomain
  5. Enter the amount of km2 per project within the subdomain
  6. Go back to the main menu and select Users
  7. Select per user the correct subdomain you want to give them access to