Version 2017.0.7
Version 2017.0.7 was released on December 10th 2016 on
- Popups visible in 2D overview map.
- Overlays can have multiple sub overlays (to prevent too much icons in navigation bar).
- Improved feedback on Excel errors.
- Slightly better roof colors.
- Option to set languages for your project.
- Option to transfer all ownership from one stakeholder to another.
- Multi demolish option now available in multi selection panel.
- Parent structure of Zones is editable.
- Color picker for TQL color statements and Object attributes.
- Measure buildings support the new permission Popup.
- Option to create your own Overlay legend.
- COLOR attribute now has a color picker.
- Option to set an attention flag to panels, this will trigger the attention arrows on the screen pointing to the marked location.
- The popup template is fixed and is applied directly if you are using a template for your project.
- NEW TQL query: LOTPOLYGONS. With this selection you can create selections of an area where for example, you want to show a popup to pointout where there is nuisance.
- A new query has been added, which allows a panel to highlight polygons in the 3D world. The polygons can be inspected individually using new "arrow" buttons in the panel. Panels can also display an overlay when they are opened.
- Templates for answer-popups that can adjust attributes are now available.
- Permission popup now shows the results of the requested action on the indicator(s).
- Permission popup runs along all zones (to check for spatial plans) and will provide the outcome in one answer. In the Zone panel all the plans that are included in the request are visible.
- Spatial planning: Only the latest approved plan is used in the project. The unnecessary and loder plans are not included anymore and therefor no more duplications in the Zones.
- Racing conditioning check in excels. If two excels update the same value in the world, the engine now shows an error rather than pick one of the values. This is also a check not two TQL labels refer to the same cell in Excel. NOTE: Please check old projects. It could give errors in excel indicators.
- Added more feedback in the TQL Query window.
- All Zones, Panels, Buildings, Neighborhoods, Areas, Functions can have attributes. This allows you to add more specific details that can be used in the Indicator calculations. These can also be updated via TQL during a session.
- You can now also add Template panels based on TQL/Excel. These template panels can be used to add popups (with a panel) in one click for all Neighborhoods.
- Zones (for permits) and Neighborhoods are now separated.
- Zones are extended with more detail and the permit system can be customized via TQL/Excel for both construction and demolition.
- New Attribute based overlays (e.g. show monumental buildings based on attribute) can be created.
- The Map panel has been replaced with a new navigation panel:
- This takes up less screen space, more 3D world is visible.
- More room for overlay icons.
- The "rotate the Camera" option makes viewing the world easier.
- Zoom in/out is faster.
- Action logs fade away after a minute.
- Popup locations are now indicated with arrows in your 3D world instead of being visualized on the mini map.
- New animations during map loading and creation.
- Dialog panels cannot go behind the main interface anymore.
- Disconnect from server panel provides more feedback on “what’s going on” to give a better indication for a solution.
- You can now edit your building façade directly from within the editor. This allows you to:
- Move around window positions.
- Change wall color and its texture (stones, glass, etc.).
- Add signs.
- When you have a HD display (1920x1080px) you can render a Cinematic in HD format at maximum render quality (more buildings, smoother shadows, etc.).
- The new Excel panel gives you a better overview of all Excels available in the project and at the same time gives you the ability to replace Excels much easier.
- Cars render smoother, especially on busy highways the performance has been improved. Cars also fade in/out at the end of the road.
- Trees are automatically sized to their real world height using AHN data in the Netherlands. They can also be adjusted in height and have small wind movement.
- The terrain colors are most consistent with the rest of the Lighting; this provides a more natural feeling and smoother shadows.
- Improved and more feedback on errors in events (e.g. input error or logic error). This helps you to correct errors much faster.
- New SDK version.
- Many new Geo Data sources in the Netherlands, most notably the BGT. These new data sources provide a richer and detail filled environment from the start of your new project.
- BGT: Information about street objects (trees, bicycle racks, etc.), parks, water and much more.
- Ruimtelijke Plannen: is imported automatically for the Zoning. Also used for additional information like the “Monumental Status” of a building.
- Kadastrale kaart: Used to fill out the ownership.
- INWEVA: Information about the traffic density on Highways.
- BRP: Information about agriculture (e.g. crop type)
- Risicokaart: Information about potentially dangerous objects, like LPG stations.
- Natura 2000: Information about nature reserves.
- Maps do not have to be squares anymore. You can also create a 10km x 1km rectangular map.
- Improved Terrain System, using the OpenGL 4.0 Tessellation feature, provides a much smoother movement over the Map while increasing the visible Elevation detail.
- Buildings can have sections now, to allow multiple heights within the same building (e.g. a garage that is part of the house). This also increases the LOD level of buildings.
- A number of GUI enhancements in the editor, wizard and viewer. For example, the new “Glass” User Interface that looks more up-to-date with latest trends in User Interface design.
- Conversion script to update older versions.
- Several User Interface bugs.
- Template heightmap fixed.
- Shader bug in Terrain (this caused a black screen).
- US feet roundoff fixed.
- Broken mouse cursor fixed.
- Web panel scrolling fixed.
- Use Esri for basemap color instead of Cyclomedia.
- Fixed appearing hover panel.
- Fixed brush set disable/enable.
- Fixed global panel.
- Fixed picking for underground buildings.
- Fixed TQL query tool for custom attributes.
- Activating a Measure does not trigger and exception when already active.
- Several editor testrun related GUI bugs.
- Connection Timeouts when starting a new session or recalculating a large grid are fixed.
- Fixed sloping roofs.
- Fixed recognition of bridges in the BGT.
- Fixed Linux & Mac bugs.
- Fixed beamer function.
- Fixed touchscreen/zoom.
- Fixed height tool.
- Higher framerate on low-end systems, resulting is a more responsive interface.
- Improved grid calculation speed by 20%.
- Again improved the TQL performance.
- The editor panels remain visible during a test run (so you can check values and helps with debugging Excelsheets).
- Loading and removing Area's is accelerated (factor 500 times faster).
- New Polygon System for faster and robust GEO calculations (e.g. intersections) using Quad and STR-Trees.
- Check the Cache at startup of your project is faster.
- Video/hardware test is faster and more robust.
- Intel cards support is better.