Wind turbine (Indicator)
The Wind turbine Indicator calculates the amount of wind turbines in the project area and gives the amount of generated power in MW. First the current situation is calculated and compared to the planned situation. By setting a target value it is possible to plan scenario's to experimend in reching a energy goal. For example, the target for the generated power in the project area is 10 MW. This target needs to be reached by planning both large and normal wind turbines in the project area.
Indicator panel
The indicator panel shows the following information:
- The amount of current turbines
- The amount of current large turbines
- The amount of planned turbines
- The amount of planned large turbines
- The total amount of generated power in MW
- The score per area
The indicator calculates the amount of m2 green per area. This is backchecked against the allocation plan per area to calculate the score per area.The following formula is used:
The score is represented in a progress bar, with a scale from 0 to 100%. Determine if you want to calculate the absolute or relative score. In general, the more green is present in an area, the higher the score is.
Additional configurations
For this indicator, the area types your project consist of have to be imported or created in the project. For the steps and how to, read the information on the general MKP page.