Template:Editor location
To update this template, please use the editor location template generator
"Valid options:
reset to start reset x performance overview auto update buildings constructions building construction function values function value attributes region multiple buildings parametric design terrains terrain terrain elevation import elevation ground price neighborhoods neighborhood zoning zone zoning permission plots plot areas area networks net loads net load net lines net line net functions net function net wizard net import net edit overlays overlay overlay general overlay legend overlay legend difference overlay keys overlay attributes overlay wizard overlay grid indicators indicator indicator target calltree recording calltree recording download panels panel panel single panel template panel instance query tool globals global global values geo import project sources project source action menus actions measures measure costs measure events measure building measure upgrade measure landmark measure spatial measure levee add new measure empty add new measure building add new measure landmark add new measure spatial add new measure upgrade levees levee upgrades upgrade event bundles event bundle event bundle event event bundle client event event bundle server event stakeholders stakeholder stakeholders level stakeholders indicators levels level timeline simulation type messages message introduction text project names introduction image contributors contributor interface screens interface screen camera views camera view facilitator screens facilitator screen cinematics cinematic cinematic keypoint special effects special effect units unit weathers weather environment screenshot video free cam web interface web interface frontpage web interface map web settings web tokens web invite api wms template debug errors release notes test connection community blog forum wiki index tutorials tickets arcgis "