Text in panels can contain special tags that are replaced by the Tygron Platform based on the project data, session and the context (owner, maplink etc.) of the panel. This page shows the supported panel tags.
General tags
- $PROJECT_NAME, name of the project.
- $TOKEN, token of your project's session.
Web tags
Contextual tags
- $NAME, name of the panel.
- $ID, id of the panel.
- $STAKEHOLDER_ID, the ID of the owner of the panel, if it has one. -1 if it has none.
- $STAKEHOLDER, the name of the owner of the panel, if it has one. Empty text if it has none.
Attributes tags
- $ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTENAME, where ATTRIBUTENAME is the TQL approved attribute name. This allows users to acquire attributes stored in this panel, which can change based on calculations of indicators or other panels.
- $GLOBAL_GLOBALNAME, where GLOBALNAME is the TQL approved global name. This also allows users to acquire values of globals stored in your project, which can change based on calculation of indicators or other panels.