Template Project

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This article may contain references or images in the style of the old Tygron Platform.


What is a template

tem·plate noun \ˈtem-plət\

computers : a computer document that has the basic format of something (such as a business letter, chart, graph, etc.) and that can be used many different times
From http://www.merriam-webster.com

Using templates in the Tygron Engine

In the Tygron engine it is possible to take the game elements only from an existing game - Stakeholders, Indicators, Actions, etc - and transpose these over to a new area. This is very convenient in case a similar spatial issue is at hand on different locations. This functionality also enables the user to make elaborate predefined actions or custom indicators, which can easily be transposed as a template game to another area.

Default templates in the Tygron Engine

Also See: Climategame and Bedrijventerrein.

There are two default templates available in the Tygron Engine: Climategame and Bedrijventerrein. For more information about those specific templates see their respective articles.

How to add your own template

Projects can easily be set as a template, to be used as base for next projects. Once set as template it can be added to the list of available templates. However, this can only be done by users with Domain Administrator rights. By default the template is not shared with other users within your domain. Please refer to the next paragraph about making templates available for the domain.
Setting a project as a template makes the project read only!
How to set a project as template:
  1. Log in with Domain Admin rights
  2. Select "Options"
  3. Select "Projects"
  4. Highlight project to be made a template
  5. Check box named "Template (project becomes read only)"

Sharing your template with other users in your domain

When a game has been made a template game, the read and write permissions will change. This is to ensure that nobody accidentally edits the template game. No write permissions remain (game cannot be edited) and only the creator can read the template as default. In order to change the read permissions, so that other users within the same domain can also use the template, the creator can change the permissions of the original game in the editor.
Template Project:
  1. Load in the editor the template game to be shared with the domain
  2. Select "File" when in main view
  3. Select "Permissions"
  4. Change the entry for "Other users in domain" to "Read"
  5. Save game