After reading this page
- you've learned what zoning is in urban planning
- you've learned how the concept of zoning relates to the Tygron Engine
- you've learned how to add or remove zones from the 3D world
- you've learned how to edit zoning already implemented in the 3D world
What is Zoning?
- Zoning is a technique of land-use planning as a tool of urban planning used by local governments in most developed countries. The word is derived from the practice of designating mapped zones which regulate the use, form, design and compatibility of development. Legally, a zoning plan is usually enacted as a bye-law.
- There are a great variety of zoning types, some of which focus on regulating building form and the relation of constructions to the street with mixed-uses, known as form-based, and others with separating land uses, known as use-based.
Zoning in relation to the Tygron Engine
- In the Tygron Engine, zoning is an important element that can be used to guide the decision making process of the stakeholders. The stakeholder municipality has the responsibility to ensure the zoning plan is adhered to; each time a construction is planned by any of the stakeholders, the municipality has to verify if the plan complies with the zoning plan, prior to approval of the planned construction. To facilitate negotiations and bottom up participation, the municipality also has the power to change zoning plans. With this power, the municipality can offer other stakeholders approval for permits as trade off for complying with non zoning related objectives, such as less urban heat stress or more water storage in an area.
How to add and remove zones in the 3D world
- When a game's 3D world is just created in the Tygron Engine, the whole game area is assigned as one default zone. When the selected game area is relatively small, this could work, however, it may be desired to divide the whole, or part of the game area up into multiple smaller zones. To add new zones to the 3D world, please open the Zoning panel in the editor:
- Editor → Editor Menu bar → 3D World → Zoning
- By right-clicking with the mouse on the field "Zones", on the left side of the Zoning panel, a context menu appears with the option "Add". Selecting this option creates a new entry in the "Zones" filed, called "A New Item". Please note that this is still an "empty" zone, since no actual area is assigned yet. (See below: How to edit already existing zones)
- To remove a zone from the list, right-click on the zone that needs to be removed, and select "Delete" from the context menu. A confirmation message will pop up, to ask for extra confirmation, to ensure nothing is deleted by accident.