Geo Data
What is Geo data
Geographical data or geo data is data which has a location component. Almost all data is linked to a location or a place and is therefore geo data. Geo data is for example a paper map, a digital web map but also just a simple text file with coordinates. Geo datasets are either vector (features which are points, lines or polygons) or raster data (data in grid cells). The features in vector data can have multiple attributes with values. Raster data mostly has a value and a color.
How does Geo data relate to the Tygron Platform
![Load data from databases](/w/images/a/a4/Generate_3D_world_databases.png)
The Tygron Platform uses geo data (vector and raster) for creating the 3D model world. For this, the Tygron Platform automatically connects to (Open) Datasets, such as the base registers. For this process the following general principle applies: if your 3D World lacks certain information, it is not available in the used dataset.
To add missing Geo data you can either update the information in the database and regenerate the 3D world, or you can add additional Geo data manually. More information about importing data is provided on the Geo Data Wizard page.
Which Geo datasets are used?
The following table contains the datasets that are automatically used when selecting a location in The Netherlands and creating a new project. When selecting a location outside The Netherlands some Geo Data has to be provided manually. Also, the Tygron Platform provides an overview of the used Geo Datasets in the Project Sources overview.
(Open) Dataset | Description | Coverage | (Connection) Source | More information |
BGT | Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie: Base register containining the topography of the Netherlands. The dataset is very detailled and contains for instance roads, parks, trees, water surfaces and street objects. | Netherlands | PDOK | |
BAG | Basisregistraties Adressen en Gebouwen: Base register containing data about buildings and addresses such as function, construction year, size and the geometry of the buildings. | Netherlands | PDOK | |
BRO | Basisregistratie Ondergrond: Base register containing detailed Underground data. This dataset is used in the Tygron Platform 2019.0.0 version instead of the FGR dataset. | Netherlands | PDOK | |
World Imagery | Satellite map used as base map for the 3D world and used for rooftop colors. | Worldwide | ESRI | |
Terrain | Digital Terrain Model: the terrain height of the bare ground without for example buildings, trees and other objects. | Worldwide | ESRI | |
AHN | Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland: Digital Surface Model: the terrain height including buildings, trees and other objects. When generating a project, it is possible to select either AHN2 (complete for the Netherlands) or AHN3 (not complete yet). | Netherlands | -ESRI- | |
CBS Wijk- en Buurtkaart | The CBS Wijk- en Buurtkaart (2017) contains the geometry of the division in neighborhoods and statistical data related to those neighborhoods. | Netherlands | PDOK | |
Ruimtelijke plannen | Ruimtelijke plannen are the offical published spatial plans/zoning plans. | Netherlands | Ruimtelijke Plannen | |
Top10NL | Topographical dataset, used as an addition to the BGT data. | Netherlands | Tygron / PDOK | |
NWB | Nationaal Wegen Bestand: Contains detailed information about the road infrastructure. For instance number of lanes and road type. | Netherlands | PDOK | |
NSL | The NSL (Nationaal Samenwerkingsprogramma Luchtkwaliteit) contains data delivered by Municipalities about, among others, traffic intensity. This data comes for each Municipality from their traffic model they use. | Netherlands | Rijksoverheid | |
BRP Gewaspercelen | Basisregistratie Gewaspercelen: contains the location of agricultural land and the cultivated crops. | Netherlands | Nationaal Georegister | |
FGR | Fysisch Geografische Regio's: used to determine the terrain (underground) type. | Netherlands | Nationaal Georegister | |
BRK - Kadastrale Kaart | Basisregistratie Kadaster. In the Tygron Platform the Kadastrale kaart is used to know the location of parcels. | Netherlands | Nationaal Georegister | |
Risicokaart | This dataset shows the risks in a neighborhood, for example by showing hazardous- and / or nuisance buildings (for example LPG station) and cables and pipes. Also contains additional information on vulnerable buildings (hotels, hospital, school, etc.). | Netherlands | | |
OSM | OpenStreetMap; this datasets contains the topography of the world and attribute information. | Worldwide | Overpass API | |
Waterschapsdata | Several datasets from Water Authorities conforming the Information Model Water (Informatiemodel water), including hydraulic structures and water level areas. | Netherlands - dataset is not covering the whole of the Netherlands yet | PDOK | |