How to import sewer overflows
Sewer overflowss can be imported for a water calculation when using the configuration wizard of a Water Overlay.
Sewer overflows are only relevant when your project also features Sewer areas.
How to import sewer overflows for a Water Overlay:
- Prepare a GeoJSON file with the desired data for the sewer overflows, most importantly the sewer overflow attribute.
- Open the configuration wizard of the Water Overlay.
- Continue to the step concerning sewer overflows.
- Select the 'import' option. This will open the Geo data wizard.
- Follow the steps in the Geo data wizard.
- When the Geo Data Wizard is completed and closed, the sewer overflows have been imported.
- The configuration wizard of the Water Overlay can now be closed as well.
It is recommended to import sewer areas before importing sewer overflows (following the order of the Water Overlay's configuration wizard. Otherwise, directly after importing the sewer overflows may report an error, due to them not overlapping with a sewer area.