This is a general overview of the terms used when working with and referring to the Tygron Engine.
- 3D World
- The central visualization of the area of a game.
- Actions
- An activity a Stakeholder can perform to achieve his objective.
- Importance
- The degree to which a stakeholder is concerned about a given theme.
- Indicators
- A theme or subject with a target which stakeholders can work towards.
- Land Transactions
- Name of a group of extra options from actions, consisting of "Buy Land" and "Sell Land".
- 'Multiplayer'
- Multiplayer is a mode of play for computer games and video games where two or more gamers can play in the same game at the same time, co-operatively as a team or head-to-head competitively. Multiplayer mode may be a split screen where the gamers play at the same time on one system, or where gamers play on separate systems connected to a LAN or Internet game server.
- Stakeholders
- A party with concerns or stakes in a given area or project.