Version 2022.5.0

From Tygron Preview Support Wiki
Revision as of 15:38, 27 December 2021 by (talk | contribs)
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Version 2022.5.0 is first public preview released on on December 28th 2021.

Pre & Post Processing

  • Prequels: that allow data from one grid overlay to be used as input for another.
  • Triggers: can call remote user scripts to do additional calculations.

GeoShare & GeoPlugins

  • GeoShare: shares geo data within your domain, without an active project.
  • Viewers: add a public viewer to share animated GeoShare files.
  • Geo Plugins: load private data into the project at creation.

Parametric Design 2.0

  • Multiple functions: allows for multi functional neighborhood designs.
  • Several smaller fixes in the algorithms and interface that make it more usable.


  • Traffic: is now defined as a 24u attribute with timeframe based overlays for noise, no2, etc.
  • Performance: significant performance gains have been made compared to the 2021 version for e.g. bigger maps.
  • Several smaller bug fixes.