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The following controls apply.
Primary view modes
This is the default camera mode. Close to the ground the camera is angled to provide a 3D perspective. When zooming out the camera will slowly settle into a cardinally-locked top-down perspective.
- Left mouse button
- Drag the world side to side along a flat plane.
- Right mouse button
- Rotate the camera around the point the camera is currently looking at, along a spherical surface centered around that point. But only when low enough for the camera to be angled.
- Scroll wheel up-down
- Zoom in and out respectively
This mode allows for an unskewed overview of spatial features at any zoom level.
- Left mouse button
- Drag the world side to side along a flat plane.
- Right mouse button
- Rotate the camera directly above point the camera is currently looking at, along the vertical axis extending from that point. But only when low enough.
- Scroll wheel up-down
- Zoom in and out respectively.