How to use the Query Tool
The Query Tool can be found in the Tygron Platform Editor, under the ribbon header, in the Tools tab, by selecting the Query Tool Button. The Query Tool consists of three areas; the construction drop down menus, the actual query as a result from the construction selections and its result. It is theoretically possible to add an unlimited number of clauses. This being said, only a limited amount (of combinations) of options is available to do so.
How to use the Query Tool:
- Select Editor → Tools → Query Tool
- Select the desired Result Parameter
- Add clauses, as many as needed
- Select the clause properties from the drop down menus
- Notice the full query string appears in the Query field
- Notice the actual Query result on the bottom of the panel
1. Select Editor → Tools → Query Tool
2. Select Result parameter
3. Add clauses
4. Select the clause properties
5. Notice the full query string in the Query field
6. Actual Query result