Version 2017.1.0
Version 2017.1.0 is planned for release on Friday December 23th 2016 on
- Overlays are being calculated with GPU. Before in the grid calculations were divided over the projectmap as 200x200 cells while the new calcuations are measured in more cels even up to 5000x5000 cels per projectmap. This makes the caluculations much more accurate, more detailed and quicker.
- You can add more overlays of the same type. For example, one with the results calculated over a periode of 30 years and one with the results calculated over a periode of 50 years.
- More Overlay attributes are customizable.
- There is a new Average Overlay where you can show the average value of custom set attribute.
- Overlays are now displayed by type. This gives a better overview of the available overlays (e.g. water, traffic)
- You can extract the values of an overlay to a GeoTiff file. This can be read by any Gispakket like QGIS and AcrGis.
- The Original and Planned function both give attribute values for overlays, constructions and panels. This makes it possible to give a better impression of the effects of your future plans in comperrison of the original project area.
- The legend get filled by default but is now also costomizable manually.
- A new overlay for the heightmap is available. You can choose to include the buildings in the heightmap overlay or only take the service area into account.
- The base map is generated by default with physical characteristics like clay, sand and peat that is situated underneath the streets.
- Nieuwe overlays voor hoogtekaart in en exclusief gebouwen.
- Popups cluster togehter. When you have multiple popups close togehter, it will for a clustered popup when you zoom-out.
- Popups are costumizable from a excel. For explame, you can set the color. You even make the color fade from red to green based on the improvements you make in your project area.
- You can add your own GIS webservice (CSW) to load area's from your own sources.
- Import and export via GeoJson is improved. Now you can export buildings, terrains, neighboorhoods, ownership, area's and overlays.
- Attach attribute to functions, before you could only attach attributes to buildings.
- Overige verbeteringen:
- TQL kan nu ook d.m.v de ID tag de ID opvragen van het object waar het bijhoord. Op deze manier kan je ook je eigen indicator naam, paneel type, etc opvragen en gebruiken.
- Je hebt de optie om kaarten met een hogere hoogtekaart resolutie in te lezen (0.5m) ipv de oude 2,5m, dit kan soms handig zijn, meestal niet, dus staat standaard uit.
- Meer water slootjes worden ingelezen.
- Terreinen zijn aanpasbaar voor zowel ondergrond als bovengrond en ook door gebruiker toe te voegen met eigen attributen. Denk aan type "vervuilde ondergrond" met een attribuut hoeveel vervuiling er in de grond zit.
- Mac support is fixed.
- More feedback from the Excel sheets about errors.
- Multiple textures and icons are improved.
- Issues related to ATI maps are resolved. They coused black screens.
- More smaller bugs are resolved.
- Overlays are being calculated with GPU. This results in quicker calculations