What is a WMS
A Web Map Service, in short WMS, is a standard in where data is published to the Internet and can be viewed in a browser. This standard is defined by the OGC, the Open Geospatial Consortium. The data is accessible through an URL and works in any browser. A WMS layer generally exists of bitmap images of a map. The data is therefore (most of the time) an image of a map and does not contain the features and attributes. This image can be used for example as a reference layer. One of the advantages of a WMS is that the data is accessible on the internet, so you can always access it (if there is internet) and you don’t have to carry files with you anymore. Also sharing data is more easily, since you just have to provide the WMS URL, instead of the data file.
How to insert a WMS URL to the Engine
The WMS can be loaded in the Engine by using the Geo Data Wizard.
Choose the second option: "Loading data from a Feature Service".
In the next step, you will be asked to provide a name and the URL for the WFS. If the WFS is published through ArcGIS server (Arcgis is then part of the URL), choose ESRI_JSON as output type, otherwise choose WFS_JSON.
- Choose a name for the WFS
- Provinde the URL of the WFS (the GetCapabilities part can be omitted)
- If the WFS is published through ArcGIS server, choose ESRI_JSON, otherwise choose WFS_JSON