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Revision as of 15:02, 18 January 2019 by Rudolf@tygron.nl (talk | contribs)
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CSV specification
First entry Second entry

Line 1 First value on line 1 Second value on line 1
Line 2 First value on line 2 Second value on line 2


  • title: what kind of data is this a specification of
  • line: what kind of data is defined per line
  • criteria: what kind of requirements the data should meet

  • header1: Title of the data stored in position 1
  • unit1: Unit of the data stored in position 1
  • header2: Title of the data stored in position 2
  • unit2: Unit of the data stored in position 2
  • header3: Title of the data stored in position 3
  • unit3: Unit of the data stored in position 3

  • l1e1: Description of position 1 on line 1
  • l1e2: Description of position 1 on line 2
  • l1e3: Description of position 1 on line 3

  • l2e1: Description of position 2 on line 1
  • l2e2: Description of position 2 on line 2
  • l2e3: Description of position 2 on line 3

  • l3e1: Description of position 3 on line 1
  • l3e2: Description of position 3 on line 2
  • l3e3: Description of position 3 on line 3