Health (Indicator)
What is the Health indicator?
The Health indicator on the Tygron Platform is an indicator that calculates the effect of the green space on the health of the citizens living in a specific neighborhood and the value of the health effect that green in the selected neighborhoods has on nearby residences. This indicator is a simplified version of an RIVM calculation model.
Indicator panel
The score is based on the amount of DALY( Disability-assisted life years) realized in the project area due to present green spaces. The additional life years are also assumed to have a monetary value because they help with savings in the healthcare. The effect of green on the health of the citizens in the project area is visible as the score of the indicator. For each neighborhood the effect of green on the health of the citizens in that neighborhood is determined and an average of all results is calculated for the final score. Determine if you want to calculate the absolute or relative score.
Additional configurations
Add the Global
The indicator works with several global variables. This can be done by selecting Indicators -> Globals -> Add Global. The following global variables need to be added manually to the project:
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