Wind turbine (Indicator)
The Wind turbine indicator calculates the amount of wind turbines in the project area and the amount of generated power in MW. The amount is calculated by comparing the current situation and the planned situation. By setting a target value it is possible to experiment with scenarios for renewable energy in the project area. For example, the target for the generated power in the project area is 10 MW. This target then needs to be reached by planning both large and normal wind turbines in the project area. The target value and the amount of power per type of wind turbine is adjustable, which makes this indicator scalable for different types of projects.
This indicator is for example useful for projects in where:
(one of the) goals is to work on reaching a certain renewable energy target different spatial plans are compared in the 3D world the project area should become climate adaptive
Indicator panel
The indicator panel shows the following information:
- The amount of current turbines
- The amount of current large turbines
- The amount of planned turbines
- The amount of planned large turbines
- The total amount of generated power in MW
- The score per area
The indicator calculates the amount of wind turbines in order to calculate how much MW is generated. The normal size turbine generates 1 MW and the large turbine generates 3 MW. The amount of MW generated per turbine is based on this source [windcentrale]. The following formula is used:
(amount of turbines normal * 1MW)+(amount of turbines large * 3MW)= total amount of MW
The score is represented in a progress bar, with a scale from 0 to 100%.
Additional configurations
For this indicator, the Global TARGET_POWER needs to be added. Also the Attribute POWER needs to be added to the functions "Windmill" and "Windmill (Large)" needs to be added to the function values.