How to set linear evaporation rate (Water Overlay)
For a Water Overlay, evaporation rate is defined in Weather) data.
Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Overlays (Ribbon bar) → The Water Overlay (Left panel) → Configuration Wizard (Right panel)
How to set linear evaporation rate:
- Open the configuration wizard of the Water Overlay.
- Continue to the step concerning weathers.
- Select the weather event you wish to update, or select "Add" to create a new one.
- Set the "Surface evaporation" setting to "Linear".
- In the "Surface evaporation" field, set the desired evaporation rate.
- In the "Total rainfall" field, set the amount of rain that should fall during the period of rain.
- In the "dry after rain" fields, set the amount of time the simulation should continue after the rain has stopped.
- Verify that the total simulation time matches your expectations.
- Close the wizard.
The evaporation rate is in mm/day, so for any given evaporation rate configured, the total amount of evaporation will be less as simulation time decreases.