Foliage crown factor (Heat Overlay)
Knowing where and at what height the foliage is present geographically is an important factor in Shade and Skyview calculations. Unfortunately, foliage is not always stored as geographical data in Landuse Geo-services. Instead, sometimes only the tree trunks have been recorded. Additionally, when designing new scenario's, foliage for newly added trees cannot be obtained from existing services and must instead be generated by some algorithm. In order to facilitate generating foliage, the foliage crown factor function value has been added.
Foliage Crown Factor
The foliage crown factor is a means to determine what areas surrounding tree trunks get covered by the trees' foliage. By multiplying the tree's height with the foliage crown factor one obtains the foliage radius.
How to
See also
Foliage height calculation model
When configuring the Heat Overlay, different sources can be selected to define the Foliage height:
- Buildings with functions related to foliage. The foliage height calculation model will determine the foliage height using the height of the vegetation (as buildings) and the foliage crown factor attribute;
- Areas with as foliage height attribute, defining the foliage height for a whole area;
- GeoTiff, defining a foliage height value for each cell in its raster.