Terrain Type

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What are Terrain types

Terrain types are definitions of how the ground behaves. Oftentimes, the (sub)soil consists of a mixture of various types of material. Each individual material can be considered a type of terrain, the combination of materials can be considered a type of terrain as well.

Terrain Types in the Tygron Platform

Terrain Types are abstract definitions of the properties of the ground. Every Terrain Type is either a surface Terrain Type or an underground Terrain Type. Each Terrain Type has a series of Attributes defining its exact properties and behavior, both for functionalities such as the generation of the default elevation model, as well as for calculation models ranging from the Average Overlay to the Water Overlay.

Terrain Types form an integral part of Terrains, defining their properties, effecting specific data spatially in the 3D World. Each Terrain has exactly 1 associated Terrain Type.


Surface Terrain Types represent the soil as as it lies on the very top of the Terrain. It is often a single layer such as Grassland, Concrete, or a Waterway. In most cases, the surface Terrain Type also affects the visualization of the 3D World. [[Water (Terrain Attribute}|Water]] is most obvious, as water will be drawn on top of the existing Terrain. However, all Terrain Types have a set texture which will be shown in any location where the Terrain is changed for a different Terrain Typpe. (Otherwise the default satellite map will be visible.)

The following Terrain Types exist for the surface:

EN NL Description
Breakwater Golfbreker A construction designed to protect the coastline from wave action.
Concrete Beton Commonly found in urban and industrial areas.
Dunes Duinen A naturally occurring landscape feature forming the division between the beach and the hinterland.
Grassland Grasland Area dominated by grass vegetation.
Open land Open land The default terrain type for land surface. If an empty world is generated, this type will cover the entire map.
Levee Dijk A construction usually built between a water body and low-lying land (polder) offering protection from flooding.
Sand Zand Area largely consisting of sandy sediment.
Sea Zee Water that is part of a sea or ocean.
Waterbody Watervlakte A water body which is often not part of a 'managed' water system.
Waterway Waterloop A waterway which is often part of a 'managed' water system

Each surface Terrain Type contains the following attributes: Template:Terrain attributes table


Underground Terrain Types represent the subsoil; everything beneath the surface. The underground Terrain Type is still considered present as much as the surface Terrain Type in the same location, but is not visualized directly in the 3D world. The layout of the underground can be seen using the Underground Overlay.

The following Terrain Types exist for the undergroud:

EN NL Description
Gravel Grind
Clay Klei
Chalk Krijt
Loam Leem
Loess Löss
Unknown Onbekend Default, if no subsurface data is available.
Silt Silt
Peat Veen
Sand Zand
Marine clay Zeeklei

Each underground Terrain Type contains the following attributes: Template:Terrain attributes table

See also
