Water Connection Generator

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The Water Connection Generator enables users to generate underground buildings such as culverts using a set of parameters. This generator is useful in situations where a project misses a large number of these constructions. Generated constructions can be easily removed as well, to retry with different parameters. The parameters are explained below under Advanced Options.

Advanced Options

Mininimum and maximum length

Both the minimum and maximum length can be provided to limit the amount of created water constructions. The length is measured as the closest points between two water bodies.

Large road threshold

A road is considered large (and therefor impassable) when the road's size is larger than the threshold. This parameter can be used to prevent water connections crossing large roads. The large road threshold is provided as a surface size in m2.

Large road straight

The large road straight is used to measure if waterways are perpendicular on eachother. It is measured by extending the placed culvert by x meters and if it is still in that waterway or body, then it is perpendicular and accepted. For parallel waterways, this check will reject a culvert, when the defined x is sufficiently large.

  • Culverts generated with a less restrictive, 30 meter large road straight setting. Notice that in the case of the waterways separated by large roads, culverts are only generated when a waterway is perpendicular on an other.
  • Culverts generated with a less restrictive, 5 meter large road straight setting.

Maximum height difference

The height differences on the surface along the line of the water connection. This parameter can be used to detect dikes and prevent water connections under them. Additionally, this same parameter can be used to prevent connections being created for water ways that have water levels that are too far apart.

  • Two waterways with a levee in between. A stricter max height difference can prevent the creation of an unrealistic water connection.
  • Two waterways, of which one is situated 5 meters lower than the other.


The construction will have its width set to this value when placed. The width is provided in meters.

Ignore upstream

Sometimes multiple water connections can be created for the same water bodies. The parameter "ignore stream" can be used to remove connections of which its end point differ by more than the indicated amount. It is somewhat similar to the parameter Maximum height difference, but more restrictive in its application.

Include water bodies

When selected, both waterways and water bodies are taken into account as water terrains. When not selected, only waterways are taken into account.

Optional actions

  • The Reset to defaults action reverts the values of the advanced options back to the default settings.
  • The Remove generated action removes all generated constructions of the indicated function.

See also

Editing the Water Connection Generator (Dutch Only)