Geometry color (Building Attribute)

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Template:Construction attributes

What is the GEOMETRY_COLOR attribute?

The GEOMETRY_COLOR attribute enables the option to update the color of functions, specified by attribute, by using a Tygron Query Language (TQL) query. It actually does not overwrite the color, so removing the attribute will restore the original color of the model.

How to use the GEOMETRY_COLOR attribute

As the operation is performed by TQL, the task can be done in the Editor, with the Query Tool. More advanced users can also perform these queries through the API.

We will use the following example:

How to update the Geometry Color of a building:
  1. Select a building and add the attribute FOO:1.
  2. From the top bar, open the Query Tool (Current Situation > Queries > TQL Query Tool).
  3. Construct the above mentioned example, select the update color (Update to Value), and execute the query.
  4. The selected building color is now updated, according to the newly added GEOMETRY_COLOR attribute.

Speciffic Use Cases

Identify buildings by energy label

  • Give each building an energy label as attribute.
  • Construct a query that gives a corresponding color to each label group.

Identify trees with disease/ animal plague

  • Mark each infested treewith a suitable attribute.
  • Construct a query that gives a corresponding color to each label group.

Colorize 3D models that lack textures (I3S/ 3D BAG/ CityGML)

  • Construct a query that gives a corresponding color to each Function type.