How to share access to the web viewer
Web interfaces, such as the 2D Web Viewer or the 3D Web Viewer, are designed to allow sharing insight into a running Project Session. This includes sharing with others who may not have access to the Tygron Platform, but are a relevant audience for the use-case, plans, or results showcased in the Project Session.
How to share access to the web viewer:
- In the Editor, go to Tools → Web Interface. The web viewer will open in the web browser.
- In the address bar of the web browser, the url of the we viewer can be found. Copy the full url, including the authentication token.
- The copied url can provided to anyone whom should have access to the web viewer.
- The Project Session must be running while viewing the web interface.
- The web interface relies on a web token for authentication.
- To revoke access to the web interface, the web token can be reset using the web tokens management window.