Support:Layout Convention

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This pages describes the way the pages are layout to ensure all pages are consistent. It means as an example how to layout the different pages on the wiki.

After reading this page

  • You've learned how to layout pages on the Tygron Wiki

The first thing on the page is always describing what the user will know when he has finished reading the current page.

Main Structure (Definition)

The main Structure of most pages is divided into 3 parts.

What is it?

The "What is it?" gives the user an explanation of the definition of the term.

'''Indicators are named after Key Performance Indicators, by which organizations evaluate their success. Key Performance Indicators serve as a means for identifying potential improvements, and as a metric for the degree to which those improvements have been successful.''''

How does it relate to the Tygron Engine

The "How does it relate to the Tygron Engine" gives the user an explanation of the relation between the term and the way it is implemented in the Tygron Engine.

How can the user change it

The "How can the user change it" relates to how changes can be made to the current topic in the engine.

Adding / Removing

Template:Editor ribbon This reference can be created by using the "Editor location" template:

{{Editor location|Step (default=Editor)|Step (default=Editor menu bar)|Step|Step...}}

Each topic refers at the top of the subject to the editor interface in the above convention. This way users can easily find the location where changes can be made. "Adding / Removing" explains how users can add and remove elements to the editor. The topic ends with images, so the user gets a graphical representation of the steps to be taken to reproduce the action.

See the "Adding Constructions" example below.

Adding constructions (Example)

Layout Convention:
  1. Right click on the list of constructions
  2. Select 'Add' from the context menu. This adds new construction to the construction list, named "0_Building".
  3. The new construction is not present in the 3D World yet, since no selection has been added to the Construction yet.
  4. For details on adding / changing a selection from a construction see see below.

These steps can be created by using the "Editor steps" template:

{{Editor steps|title=title|Step|Step|Step...}}


Template:Editor ribbon "Changing" explains the detailed properties of this element and how users change this properties of elements. It describes:

What is this property

"What is this property"describes what this property is.

Where is this property used

"Where is this property used"describes on which place this information is presented to the players.

How can it be changed

"How can it be changed"describes the technical details on how this information can be changed by the user.

Main Article

The Main article convention is used to reference to a topic which has a more detailed description.

For example:

Main article: Budget (Indicator).

Special characters

For consistency and compatibility, please be sure to always use html-encoded characters when using special characters.

For example, rather than directly placing a right arrow (→), use the html sequence →. Instead of an ampersand (&), use the html sequence & or &.

A comprehensive overview can be found externally:

Page headers

When editing a live page, please post a note at the top of the page:
Please note: This page is currently being updated.

When a page is unavoidably technical, please post a note at the top of the page/section:
This article describes a technical aspect, and is mainly for advanced users.
This article describes a technical aspect, and is mainly for advanced users.

When a page is no longer relevant for current technology, but needs to remain available for legacy reasons, please post a note at the top of the page:
This article refers to legacy functionality, and is not maintained anymore.
This article refers to legacy functionality, and is not maintained anymore.
For the current version, please see Layout Convention.