Attribute Overlay

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What the Average overlay is

[[File:|thumb|250px|left|The attribute overlay of xxx.]]

The Attribute overlay shows xxx Grid overlay.

Additional information displayed in hover panel

[[File:|thumb|250px|left|The attribute overlay of the xxx.]] When clicking on a specific location in the map of the average overlay, the hover panel gives additional information over the xxx.

Purpose of the Attribute Overlay

A typical use-case of the Attribute Overlay is to visualize the attributes that are linked to certain Buildings or Areas with specific characteristics like type of building, year of construction or purpose of an area. The attributes can be used to make selections that you want to visualize. Because you can add your own Attributes in a GIS program, like QGis, it is possible to customize this Overlay with all kinds of selections.

Create an Attribute Overlay

Template:Editor ribbon

How to add the Attribute overlay:
  1. Select in the editor 'Geo Data' from the ribbon
  2. Select 'Overlays' from the ribbon bar
  3. Select the 'Add Attribute' overlay
  4. XXX

Selection type

Select attribute value

Select Layer

Attributes can be assigned to one of more layers in the 3D model: Buildings, Terrains, Areas and Neighborhoods. In this step you can select the following options for choosing which attribute values you would like to see:

  • Filter occurrence in Layers: an attribute value is selected from order of occurrence in the model data layers mentioned above
  • Minimum values in Layers. The minimum value is selected from all layers above
  • Maximum values in Layers. The maximum value is selected from all layers above
  • Specific Layer only. A specific layer can be selected.

How to remove the Average overlay:
  1. Select in the editor 'Geo Data' from the ribbon
  2. Select 'Overlays' from the ribbon bar
  3. Select the desired overlay from the list of active overlays on the left panel
  4. Select 'remove' from the bottom of the left panel
  5. Confirm the removal in the pop up confirmation message