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The page contains the complete code that can be run and tested in [https://sandcastle.cesium.com/ Cesium Sandcastle]
The page contains the complete code that can be run and tested in [https://sandcastle.cesium.com/ Cesium Sandcastle]

Make sure to fill in your sessions token for the first constant. Secondly, verify the BASEURL is the one applicable to your domain and change it otherwise.
For the details on how each part works, see [[How to use CesiumJS to visualize data from a Session]].
Make sure to fill in your session's token for the TOKEN constant. Secondly, verify the BASEURL is the one applicable to your domain and change it otherwise.


Revision as of 14:03, 4 March 2024

The page contains the complete code that can be run and tested in Cesium Sandcastle

For the details on how each part works, see How to use CesiumJS to visualize data from a Session.

Make sure to fill in your session's token for the TOKEN constant. Secondly, verify the BASEURL is the one applicable to your domain and change it otherwise.

// Constants
const dim = 128;
const minLevel = 6;
const maxLevel = 19;
const tilepx = 512;

const TOKEN = "XXX"; // IMPORTANT: Place here the project session token between the ""
const BGCOLOR = "1f1f00"; // ff0000 is red, hexadecimal color
const SHADOW = true; //true ,false
const SPACING = 10;
const FEATURE_ID = "ID";
const BASEURL = "https://engine.tygron.com/web/";

// Construct the default list of terrain sources.
var terrainModels = [];
terrainModels.push(new Cesium.ProviderViewModel({
	name: "Project Terrain",
	category: "Terrain",       
    tooltip: "",
	iconUrl: Cesium.buildModuleUrl('Widgets/Images/TerrainProviders/Ellipsoid.png'),
	creationFunction: function () {
		return new Cesium.CustomHeightmapTerrainProvider({
			width: dim,
			height: dim,
			maximumLevel: maxLevel,
			callback: function (x, y, level) {
				if (level <= 10) { // ignore zoom levels 10 and lower
					return new Float32Array(dim * dim); // all zeros
				const test = Cesium.Resource.fetchArrayBuffer(BASEURL+'terrain/' + level + '/' + x + '/' + y + '.bin?worlddatum=true&token='+TOKEN+'&width=' + dim + '&height=' + dim);
				return test.then(function (buffer) {
					const array = new Float32Array(dim * dim); // all zeros
					const view = new DataView(buffer);
					for (let i = 0; i < dim * dim; i++) {
						array[i] = view.getFloat32(i * 4);
					return array;

var imageryViewModels = [];
const baseMaps = ["SATELLITE", "TOPOGRAPHIC", "GRAY"];
	for (let i = 0; i < baseMaps.length; i++) {
	imageryViewModels.push(new Cesium.ProviderViewModel({
		name: baseMaps[i],
		category: "Base Map",
             tooltip: "",

		iconUrl: Cesium.buildModuleUrl('Widgets/Images/TerrainProviders/Ellipsoid.png'),
		creationFunction: function () {
			return new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider({
				url: BASEURL+'wms',
				layers: baseMaps[i],
				maximumLevel: maxLevel,
				tileHeight: tilepx,
				tileWidth: tilepx,
				getFeatureInfoFormats: [new Cesium.GetFeatureInfoFormat("json", "application/json")],
				proxy: new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/'),
				parameters: {
					crs: "4326",
					forcexy: "true",
					bgcolor: BGCOLOR,
					walled: "false",
					token: TOKEN
				getFeatureInfoParameters: {
					crs: "4326",
					forcexy: "true",
					token: TOKEN,

// Construct the viewer, with a high-res terrain source pre-selected.
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
	terrainProviderViewModels: terrainModels,
	selectedTerrainProviderViewModel: terrainModels[0],
	imageryProviderViewModels: imageryViewModels,
	selectedImageryProviderViewModel: imageryViewModels[BASEMAP_INDEX],
	animation: false,
	timeline: false,
	homeButton: false,
	navigationHelpButton: false,
	navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible: false,
	fullscreenButton: false,
	shadows: SHADOW,

var neighborhoodUrl = new Cesium.Resource({
	url: BASEURL+"neighborhoods.geojson",
	queryParameters: {
		token: TOKEN,
		crs: "4326",
		forcexy: "true",

var data = await neighborhoodUrl.fetchJson();
var labels = data.features;
for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) {
	var p = labels[i];
	var longitude = p.geometry.coordinates[0];
	var latitude = p.geometry.coordinates[1];
	var height = p.geometry.coordinates[2] == null ? 200 : p.geometry.coordinates[2] + 200;
	var id = p.properties[FEATURE_ID];
		const entity = viewer.entities.add({
		position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude, height),
		label: {
			text: p.properties.name,
			font: "12pt arial",
			style: Cesium.LabelStyle.FILL_AND_OUTLINE,
			outlineWidth: 2,
			verticalOrigin: Cesium.VerticalOrigin.TOP,
			fillColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,

/* Overlay Variables */
var overlayLayer = null;

const activateOverlay = function(overlayID, timeframe, difference){
  const provider = new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider({
	url: BASEURL+'wms',
	layers: overlayID,
	maximumLevel: maxLevel,
	tileHeight: tilepx,
	tileWidth: tilepx,
	proxy: new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/'),
	parameters: {
		crs: "4326",
		forcexy: "true",
		token: TOKEN,
		timeframe: timeframe,
		styles: difference ? "DIFFERENCE" : "",
	getFeatureInfoParameters: {
		crs: "4326",
		forcexy: "true",
		token: TOKEN,
		timeframe: timeframe,
		styles: difference ? "DIFFERENCE" : "",
    var newOverlayLayer = new Cesium.ImageryLayer(provider, { minimumTerrainLevel: minLevel });
    if (overlayLayer !== null) {
    overlayLayer = newOverlayLayer;

/* Net Lines */
var mainLines = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
var netLines = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
const netlinesHeight = 120;
const netlinesOffset = 50;

const materialSource =  `
      uniform vec4 color;
      uniform float lengthfactor;

      czm_material czm_getMaterial(czm_materialInput materialInput)
        czm_material material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput);

        float time = czm_frameNumber / 20.0;
        float v = fract(time + materialInput.s * lengthfactor) < 0.2 ? 0.0 :1.0;
        material.diffuse = color.rgb * v;
        material.alpha = 1.0;
        return material;

function updateAndGet(lines, result){
	if (lines) {
	lines = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
	updateLines(lines, result);
	return lines;	

async function updateNetLines() {
	var result = await new Cesium.Resource({
		url: BASEURL+ "lines.geojson",
		queryParameters: {
			token: TOKEN,
			maxlength: "10",
			crs: "4326",
			forcexy: "true"
	netLines = updateAndGet(netLines, result);

async function updateMainNetLines() {

	var result = await new Cesium.Resource({
		url: BASEURL+"lines.geojson",
		queryParameters: {
			token: TOKEN,
			minlength: "10",
			crs: "4326",
			forcexy: "true"
	mainLines = updateAndGet(mainLines, result);

function updateLines(lines, data) {
	var netLines = data.features;
	var ellipsoid = viewer.scene.mapProjection.ellipsoid;
	for (i = 0; i < netLines.length; i++) {
		var l = netLines[i];
		var longitude = l.geometry.coordinates[0][0];
		var latitude = l.geometry.coordinates[0][1];
		var height = l.geometry.coordinates[0][2] == null ? netlinesHeight : l.geometry.coordinates[0][2] + netlinesOffset;
		var longitude2 = l.geometry.coordinates[1][0];
		var latitude2 = l.geometry.coordinates[1][1];
		var height2 = l.geometry.coordinates[1][2] == null ? netlinesHeight : l.geometry.coordinates[1][2] + netlinesOffset;
		var lid = l.properties[FEATURE_ID];
		var linecolor = Cesium.Color.YELLOW;
		if (l.properties['color'] != null) {
			linecolor = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(l.properties['color']);
		var lwidth = Number(l.properties['width']);
		var lineLength = Number(l.properties['length']);

			positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([longitude, latitude, height, longitude2, latitude2, height2]),
			width: lwidth,
			material: new Cesium.Material({
				fabric: {
					type: "netline",
					uniforms: {
						color: linecolor,
						lengthfactor: lineLength/20.0,
					source: materialSource,


const start = async function () {	
	var tileset = await Cesium.Cesium3DTileset.fromUrl(BASEURL+'3dtiles/tileset.json?token='+TOKEN+'&style='+STYLE+'&spacing='+SPACING+'&texture='+TEXTURE);
    var boundingSphere = tileset.root.boundingVolume._boundingSphere;

    activateOverlay(1, 0, false);
