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A global is a number that is integrated in the project but is not necessarily assigned to a specific construction. The global can be used for example, in Excel calculations and therefor to influence the calculation of an Excel indicator.

Type of globals

There is one type of global that can be applied in different ways.


wat kan je waar uitlezen. It is also possible to connect the global to the budget of a specific stakeholder to directly influence the budget during a session.


A global can be used to influence the input by using the TQL query tool to make an query that can be used in an Excel.

Add and remove Globals

Template:Editor ribbon

The Left Panel allows you to add, duplicate, and remove globals.
How to add a global:
  1. In the ribbon header, select "Indicators".
  2. In the ribbon bar, select "Globals".
  3. In the left panel, select "Add".
How to duplicate a global:
  1. In the ribbon header, select "Indicators".
  2. In the ribbon bar, select "Globals".
  3. In the left panel, select the global you wish to duplicate.
  4. In the left panel, select "Duplicate".
How to remove a global:
  1. In the ribbon header, select "Indicators".
  2. In the ribbon bar, select "Globals".
  3. In the left panel, select the global you wish to remove.
  4. In the left panel, select "Remove".

Global Uses

When you have created a global the can be used communicate with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, when using such a spreadsheet for a (custom) Excel Indicator. Also, globals are currently used to attach to event bundels and hereby influence the progress of indicators. Read more about how to connect the global to an Event Bundel on the events page.