How to use CesiumJS to visualize data from a Session

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// variables
const dim = 128;
const minLevel = 6;
const maxLevel = 19;
const tilepx = 512;

// Construct the default list of terrain sources.
var terrainModels = [];
terrainModels.push(new Cesium.ProviderViewModel({
	name: "Project Terrain",
	category: "Terrain",
	iconUrl: Cesium.buildModuleUrl('Widgets/Images/TerrainProviders/Ellipsoid.png'),
	creationFunction: function () {
		return new Cesium.CustomHeightmapTerrainProvider({
			width: dim,
			height: dim,
			maximumLevel: maxLevel,
			callback: function (x, y, level) {
				if (level <= 10) { // ignore zoom levels 10 and lower
					return new Float32Array(dim * dim); // all zeros
				const test = Cesium.Resource.fetchArrayBuffer('terrain/' + level + '/' + x + '/' + y + '.bin?worlddatum=true&token=$TOKEN&width=' + dim + '&height=' + dim);
				return test.then(function (buffer) {
					const array = new Float32Array(dim * dim); // all zeros
					const view = new DataView(buffer);
					for (let i = 0; i < dim * dim; i++) {
						array[i] = view.getFloat32(i * 4);
					return array;