Editor (User Account Type)
(Redirected from User Account Type Editor)
This article is about editor user accounts. For the Editor itself, see Editor.
This account type has the same options available as the Host Session account type. This account type can also create new projects, edit existing projects, or join others within the same domain, in an editing session.
With this account type users can:
- Sessions (if the owner of the project permits access):
- Start a new session in single user mode
- Start a new session in multi user mode
- Start a new session in editor mode
- Join a multi user session
- Join an editor session
- Resume saved single user session
- Resume saves multi user session
- Projects:
- Create new projects
- Delete own projects
- Users (for own user only):
- Edit details of own user
- Change password of own user
- Further access to:
- Hardware test
- Legal notices
- Log out
- Creation of new projects is only possible when the domain license allows it. If the user is part of a subdomain, additional restrictions on the creation of new projects may apply.
- If the user is part of a subdomain, it only has access to projects assigned to that subdomain, and projects created by the user are also assigned to that subdomain.
- If a project is write-accessible by this user, but not owned by this user, they can modify any content of the project at will but not delete that project entirely.
- If a project is read-accessible by this user, but not owned by this user, they cannot permanently modify the project, nor can they delete it.
- If a project is read-accessible by this user, changes can be made in the session which change the way the project functions, but those changes cannot be saved by the user. (They can be saved by another user in the same session, if that other user has write permissions for that project.)