Water Overlay
What are the Water Overlays
With the Water Overlays the following overlays are meant:
Each of these overlays have some common configuration steps which will be described on this page.
Result types
Each Water Overlay is a grid overlay showing results on the surface (flooding), sub-surface (groundwater), open water and sewer system. The following results are produced:
Result type | Unit | Description |
BASE_GROUNDWATER_DISTANCE | m (below surface) | Initial groundwater level relative to the surface level (NL: ontwateringsdiepte). |
BASE_TYPES | nominal value | Division of gridcells in water, land or sewer areas that are connected to the sewer. |
EVAPORATED | m (mm)¹ | Total evaporation over the simulation period |
IMPACTED_BUILDINGS | nominal value | Constructions impacted by flood: the value from the function value indicator is assigned to a building if the water depth at a grid-cell surrounding the building exceeds the overlay attribute value IMPACT_FLOOD_TRESHOLD_M |
SEWER_LAST_VALUE | m (mm)¹ | The amount of water in the sewer storage at the end of simulation |
SEWER_MAX_VALUE | m (mm)¹ | Maximum amount of water in the sewer storage during the simulation |
SURFACE_DURATION | s (min)¹ | The amount of time the water depth in a cell exceeds the value set in the overlay attribute value SHOW_DURATION_FLOOD_LEVEL_M |
SURFACE_FLOW | m3/m2 | Total volume of water passed a grid-cell, scaled by the cell surface (grid cell-size^2) |
SURFACE_LAST_VALUE | m (min)¹ | Water depth at the end of simulation |
SURFACE_MAX_VALUE | m (min)¹ | Maximum water depth during the simulation |
UNDERGROUND_FLOW | m³/m² | Totall infiltration amount from the surface to groundwater |
UNDERGROUND_LAST_VALUE | m (mm) | The amount by which the groundwater table has risen above the initial groundwater level at the end of simulation |
UNDERGROUND_MAX_VALUE | m (mm) | The maximum amount by which the groundwater table has risen above the initial groundwater during the simulation |
WATER_STRESS | m (mm) | The Maximum water depth during the simulation. At water cells only a water depth is shown if the depth exceeds the overlay attribute value ALLOWED_WATER_INCREASE_M |
¹ the units between () are as displayed in the 3D client. If exported to GTiff the SI-convention is used: meters (m) and seconds (s).