None: Water on the surface can only infiltrate and evaporate, but it will not flow between neighboring surface cells.
Shallow: Evaluation of the shallow water equations are applied to water in waterways and on land. This option is selected by default.
Avg Waterway: Water levels are averaged each time frame for each identified waterway. Shorelines around waterways are also taken into account when averaging a waterway. Water flows between waterways using hydraulic structures. Water does not flow between grid cells on land. On land it can only move vertically (infiltrate or evaporate) or interact with hydraulic structures or hydrological features. The threshold attribute AVG_SHORE_WIDTH_M is used to determine the maximum allowed distance to the waterway for shoreline cells.
Hybrid: Water on land is calculated as if using the Shallow mode. Water in waterways (and on their shorelines) is calculated as if using the Avg Waterway mode.
Avg Terrain: Similar to Avg Waterway, with the exception that surrounding land is also included. The model attribute AVG_TERRAIN_WIDTH_M is used to determine the maximum allowed distance to the waterway for land cells around the waterways, and land which can so be associated is associated with the nearest waterway. Water on terrain cells is only averaged when their level is higher than the configured model attribute AVG_TERRAIN_STORAGE_M.