Version 2023.3.0
Version Preview 2023.3.0 is released on on October 21th 2022.
- Measures can now also include a GeoTIFF.
- The Geo-wizard allows adding buildings to existing Measures.
- Import speed of buildings has been improved.
- Specific cases (e.g. inner courtyards) are now automatically hatched.
- You can now switch Scenarios during a testrun from the Ribbon bar.
- When switching Scenarios the testrun can be restarted automatically.
- New SOLID attribute defines whether building is part of Surface Model height-map.
- Windmills are by default solid, hedges are not anymore.
- TQL can now also query all road categories (road, bridge, intersection) via ROAD_SYSTEM.
- Are now fully 3D Coordinates.
- API also shows 3D Coordinates for nodes.
Security Policy
- Admins can now set two-factor authentication per user level.
- Admins can force a minimum amount of characters in new passwords.
- Sun Azimuth, Altitude and Motion values can be requested in the API (event/editorsetting).
- Improved 3D Viewport performance.
- Support for OpenGL 4.6.
- Several smaller bug fixes.