Hydrological attributes of terrains (Water Overlay)

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Terrains in a project have a number of hydrological properties which can influence the flow of water in a project. Because there is always both surface and underground terrain defined for the entirety of the project area, all cells are affected by all properties of terrains, unless a construction is present with overwriting values.

Icon Attribute Unit Type Description
WATER boolean Surface Whether the specified terrain is a water terrain.
ROOT_DEPTH_M m Surface The depth of the roots of this surface terrain, relative to the surface. Water can be drawn from the underground and evaporated if the roots can reach it.
WATER_EVAPORATION_FACTOR factor Surface How fast this terrain can evaporate water from the underground. The weather evaporation speed is multiplied by this factor to determine the rate of evaporation.
GROUND_INFILTRATION_MD m/day Surface The speed at which water can flow vertically from the surface to the underground unsaturated zone.
GROUND_INFILTRATION_MD m/day Underground The speed at which water can flow vertically from the underground unsaturated zone to the underground saturated zone, and horizontally through across the saturated zone.
WATER_MANNING s/(m1/3) Surface The Gauckler–Manning coefficient of the terrain.