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What is a GeoTIFF
GeoTIFF is a file format for geographical raster data. It is an image file format, especially for Geo data. In the file format, specific metadata for Geo data is included, such as the CRS (Coordinate Reference System) and the spatial extent. Also other metadata, common for raster data are included such as the resolution, pixel size and an optional no data value.
How to create a GeoTIFF file
Any Geo Data (vector or raster) can be transformed to a GeoTIFF file. Keep in mind that when having vector data, only one attribute can be used for the raster data, since a raster dataset consists of pixels or cells with one value and optional a color value. Transforming geo data can be done with for example a GIS (Geographical Information System).
See also
- How to create a geotiff of a vector waterdepth dataset