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Revision as of 09:42, 26 September 2019 by Godelief@tygron.nl (talk | contribs) (Note)
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Please note: This page is currently being updated.


What is a WMS

A Web Map Service, in short WMS, is a standard in where data is published on the Internet and can be viewed in a browser. This standard is defined by the OGC, the Open Geospatial Consortium. The data is accessible through an URL and works in any browser. A WMS layer generally exists of bitmap images of a map. The data is therefore (most of the time) an image of a map and does not contain the features and attributes. This image can be used for example as a reference layer. One of the advantages of a WMS is that the data is accessible on the internet, so you can always access it (if there is internet) and you don’t have to carry files with you anymore. Also sharing data is more easily, since you just have to provide the WMS URL, instead of the data file.

How to show data from a WMS in the Tygron Platform

The WMS can be loaded by hovering over the overlays button and choose the add Image overlay.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Overlays (Ribbon bar)

A new overlay (named Beeldlaag) is added. Click on the right side on the Configuration Wizard. See below for the steps to follow in the Configuration Wizard.

How to insert a WMS into the Tygron Platform:
  1. Add an Image Overlay from the Overlays menu
  2. Click on the right side on the Configuration Wizard button
  3. Select the option Import from a Web Image Service
  4. Click on Add a new Image Service
  5. Choose a name for the WMS
  6. Choose a Service Type
  7. Provide the URL of the WMS (the GetCapabilities part can be omitted)
  8. Choose the dataset (layer) you want to view
  9. Choose a name for the new Overlay
  10. Finish the wizard

How to use the WMS URL in other software

To view data in other software, the Overlays can be viewed by making use of a WMS URL. The data, along with the same legend and colors can then be viewed in for example a GIS.

First the WMS URL needs to be obtained. This can be done by going to the Tools menu and hover over Web interface.

Editor → Tools (Ribbon tab) → Web interface (Ribbon bar)

Then choose for Show WMS URL. You will be redirected to a browser. Copy the url in the browser.


Notice that the URL contains a token. This token is unique for the session. Read more about tokens on this page. When you close the project the URL will be no longer valid (since the session does not exist anymore) and a new WMS URL needs to be obtained when editing or starting a new session. When the project is on Keep alive, the WMS URL will be the same.

The following section describes how to use the WMS in different GIS:

  • Use the WMS URL in QGIS
  • Use the WMS URL in ArcMAP
  • Use the WMS URL in ArcGIS Pro

Use the WMS URL in QGIS

How to use the Tygron Platform WMS URL in QGIS:
  1. Obtain the URL by copying the link (see above for the steps)
  2. Open QGIS and click on Add WMS/WMTS-layer
  3. CLick on New
  4. Provide a name for the connection and in paste the URL in the corresponding form and click on OK
  5. Click on Connect
  6. the overlay layers are now visible in the panel
  7. Select the Layers you want to add to QGIS (you can select multiple layers
  8. Click on add and notice the layers (with the same legend) are added to QGIS