Open the remove attributes panel by going to editor top bar. Next, hover a component that has attributes such as Areas.
The remove attributes panel
This panel allows users to remove an attribute from multiple items at once. Additionally, users can filter out only specific items based on the configured filter.
Select an attribute
Select an attribute from the list and click on the select button. Alternatively double click on the attribute.
To improve the usability of this panel, generic filters have been added. Some components also have additional filters. For example, Buildings have an additional Category filter.
Option 1: No filter
Option 1: No filter, so all components of this type considered.
Option 2: Filter on attribute
Option 2: A filter requiring the component to have the specified attribute.
Option 3: Filter on attribute and value
Option 3: A filter requiring the component to have the specified attribute and its value to be in the specified range.