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For Domain Admins with a Commercial Partnership: How to create a subdomain
- A subdomain enables you to give other users access to your domain in a separate subdomain: The user gets access to this subdomain only and cannot see or edit other projects or subdomains in your domain. The option for creating a subdomain is available only for users with a Commercial Parntership. For more information on the Tygron Partnerships see available types of licenses and partnerships on our website or contact
- To create a subdomain:
- Go to 'Options' in the Main Menu
- Go to 'My license'
- Click 'edit' in the line 'sub domains'
- On the far right op your screen you can now click 'add'
- You can give access to users to a subdomain by selecting this user under 'Users' in the main menu and assigning the appropriate subdomain in the drop down menu on the far right. Please note that when a user is added to a subdomain, access is restricted to this subdomain only.