
From Tygron Preview Support Wiki
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A measurement is the Tygron Platform is an item which allows users to record and inspect spatial data. Measurements can be positioned in the 3D world and are applied to a grid overlay or to an attribute related to a specific grid overlay.

Measurements are accessible by

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Queries (Ribbon bar) → Measurements


Currently three types of measurements are supported:

  • Point measurement, to inspect the value of a grid overlay for a specific location. Optionally displays values over time in case the overlay supports timeframes.
  • Line measurement, to inspect the variation in values of a grid overlay on the line drawn.
  • Object measurement, to inspect the value of an attribute of an object related to a grid overlay. Optionally displays values over time in case the overlay supports timeframes.

Adding a measurement

Measurements can be added, inspected, imported and exported using the measuring tool. It is accessible in the navigation panel, by clicking on the icon above the overlay bar.

The location of the measuring tool in the overlay bar.