How to generate a network using the network wizard

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It is possible to let the Tygron Platform generate a network for you. This can be done using the Net wizard, which will guide you through the process.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Networks (Ribbon bar) → Network wizard (Dropdown)

Load generation

Net loads can be generated based on buildings and the addresses within them. When selecting this option, you can select which neighborhood, stakeholder, and building category to cluster for. Load generation makes use of the following settings:

  • Address Threshold: When the building has more than this many addresses, rather than generate an individual load for each address one single load is created for the entire building.
  • Floors Threshold: When the building has more than this many floors, rather than generate an individual load for each address one single load is created for the entire building.
  • Skip buildings with Load: When a building already has a load in it, that building is no longer checked to see whether loads have to be generated in it. The building is skipped.
  • Create Paths: Whether to also generate the net lines for the network in the same process. This is often desirable, as a network is not valid when there are net loads unconnected to the net lines.

Path generation

Net lines can be generated automatically, based on the net loads present in the 3D world (or when generating as part of the process of generating net loads, also based on the net loads generated by the net load generation process). When selecting this option, you can select the net line definitions the generated net lines should be based on. Network generation makes use of the following settings:

  • Merge range: While generating a path from a net load, if there is an existing node closer than this to the most recently placed node, the path is directly connected to that node. This can pass through obstacles. This means the path generation algorithm will directly clip to the existing network, and the path will be completed for the currently treated net load.
  • Search range: While generating a path from a net load to the root, if there is an existing node closer that this to the most recently placed node, and a potential path to it is not a significant detour, the path will be generated towards that node instead of the root. This means the path generation algorithm will change course to meet an existing path.

The search range is generally for the behavior of connecting new sections of a network to an existing network. The merge range is generally for creating the final connections between net loads and existing networks.

When generating net lines, a root load must be placed somewhere in the world, from where the network will be generated*. If a root load does not yet exist, an option will be offered to place a root load in the world.

* Strictly speaking, the network generation algorithm will work its way from unconnected net loads to the node connected to the root node.

Cluster generation

There are a number of ways to have clusters generated by the Tygron Platform. When selecting this option, you can select which neighborhoods and stakeholders to cluster for. Net loads which are already clustered will not be removed from their clusters or moved to other clusters. Net loads which are not located in the selected neighborhoods are not taken into consideration (Note that this is the position of the net load and not of its connected net node). Net loads which are taken into consideration are not limited by their neighborhoods. This means net loads from different neighborhoods can be placed in the same cluster. No matter the used algorithm, clusters will always only contain net loads of the same stakeholder.

Map Sectors

The map is divided into squares of equal sides, dubbed "sectors". All buildings are checked to see in which sector they reside the most, so that each is considered part of exactly one map sector. All loads in all buildings in the same sector are grouped in the same cluster. This algorithm makes use of the following settings:

  • The size of the sectors in which the map is divvied up. This is a numeric setting, indicating the side of one edge of the sectors in meters.
  • Whether to cluster collective loads separately. This is a yes-or-no option. If this option is selected, collective net loads are placed in individual clusters, and not grouped into the cluster generated based on the sectors in which they reside.
  • The default stakeholder. When a net load has an owner (because the net load is linked to a building), the net load is considered to be owner by that stakeholder. When the net load does not have an owner, it is considered to be owned by the default stakeholder selected.

Per attribute

An attribute of the net loads indicates in which cluster the net load is placed. Every net load with the same value for that attribute is placed in the same cluster. This algorithm makes use of the following settings:

  • The attribute to use. When 2 or more loads have the same value for this attribute, they are placed in the same cluster. Net loads which do not have this attribute explicitly defined are ignored.
  • Whether to cluster collective loads separately. This is a yes-or-no option. If this option is selected, collective net loads are placed in individual clusters, and not grouped in a cluster with other net loads which share the same attribute value.
  • The default stakeholder. When a net load has an owner (because the net load is linked to a building), the net load is considered to be owner by that stakeholder. When the net load does not have an owner, it is considered to be owned by the default stakeholder selected.

Per building

All the net loads linked to the same building are placed in the same cluster. Each building with net loads will have their own cluster. Net loads which are not linked to buildings are not clustered. If a building already has a cluster and more unclustered loads exist linked to the same building, a new cluster is created for the loads which were not yet clustered. This algorithm makes use of the following settings:

  • Whether to cluster collective loads separately. This is a yes-or-no option. If this option is selected, collective net loads are placed in individual clusters, and not grouped in a cluster with other net loads which share the same attribute value.

Per load

Each net load will be placed in a separate cluster. This algorithm makes use of the following settings:

  • The default stakeholder. When a net load has an owner (because the net load is linked to a building), the net load is considered to be owner by that stakeholder. When the net load does not have an owner, it is considered to be owned by the default stakeholder selected.

Per load with unique stakeholders

Each net load will be placed in a separate cluster. Additionally, for each cluster created with this algorithm an additional stakeholder is added to the project. This algorithm makes use of the following settings:

  • The default stakeholder. When a net load has an owner (because the net load is linked to a building), the net load is considered to be owner by that stakeholder. When the net load does not have an owner, it is considered to be owned by the default stakeholder selected.

Add to existing clusters by building

For each cluster, all net loads are checked for the buildings to which they are linked. Those buildings are checked for net loads which are linked to that building but are not yet clustered. If any unclustered net loads are found in buildings this way, those net loads are added to the existing cluster. If multiple net loads, part of different clusters, are linked to the same building, it is random to which cluster any unclustered net loads will be added. This algorithm does not have any settings.