Aerius Module overview

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The RIVM Aerius calculation tool calculates the impact of various emission sources on nitrogen deposition on Natura 2000 areas in the Netherlands.
The general concept is:

  1. Various sources, such as traffic and industry, emit NOx and NH3 into the air. The NOx and NH3 in the air eventually ends up on the ground, which is called nitrogen deposition. Nitrogen deposition is especially bad for the plants in nature reserves (Natura 2000 areas). For more information, see this page of the RIVM(in Dutch).
  2. These sources of emissions are categorized by the Aerius Calculator into different (specific) sectors.
  3. Aerius calculate for these different sectors the corresponding emissions and the amount of nitrogen deposition on Natura 2000 areas.

Supported Sectors

The Aerius Calculator tool can calculate emissions for various sectors. Currently supported sectors in the Tygron Platform are:

  • Traffic (Wegverkeer):
    • Sector 3113: local roads (Binnen bebouwde kom)
    • Sector 3112: rural roads (Buitenwegen)
    • Sector 3111: highways (Snelwegen)
  • Mobile machines (Mobiele werktuigen):
    • Sector 3220: Construction and industrial machines (Bouw en industrie)
  • Plan (Plan):
    • All categories (Alle categorieën)
  • Work and living (Wonen en werken):
    • 8640: Work (Kantoren en winkels)
    • 8200: Living (Woningen)
    • 8210: Recreation (Recreatie)


The input needed to make a calculation and visualize the results in the Aerius Overlay, depends on the use case and the available data. Below an overview of the different datasets that can serve as input:


  • Emissions per building. The emissions are added as attributes to the building with the NOX and NH3 attributes. If the building is a road, the traffic emissions are shown. Otherwise, the emissions for plan, work and living and mobile machines are summed and shown here.
  • Two result types (grid overlays) showing the NOX or NH3 deposition in Natura 2000 areas as hexagon areas.
  • An array of NOx or NH3 values in mol/hectare/year per hexagon area stored in the Aerius Overlay under the NOX and NH3 keys.
  • The Aerius results, including the entered values per emission source, can be downloaded as a GML file. This file can be uploaded in the [Aerius Calculator].

Result Types

The Aerius Overlay shows the following result types:
