How to create a Geo Plugin for DXF files
Revision as of 10:57, 10 May 2023 by (talk | contribs)
A Geo Plugin can be used to automatically match features to functions when importing a DXF file. This how-to describes how to edit an existing Geo Plugin.
How to Edit a Geo Plugin for use in the geo data wizard:
- Open Geo Plugins by going to Tools --> Geo Plugins
- Switch to the GeoLinks tab of the Geo Plugin detail panel.
- Add a new Geo Link.
- Switch to the "Matching Attributes" tab in the Bottom panel of the Editor.
- Click on the Add button below Attributes. A new attribute is added.
- Double click on the new attribute and rename it LAYER
- Next, click on the add button below Values. A new layer value has been added.
- Double click on the new value and rename it as desired.
- Switch back to the "General" tab of the GeoLink.
- Give the name of the Geo Link in the Name field.
- Set the "Function" of the GeoLink to the desired Function to create.
- If applicable (e.g. for trees), set the "Geometry" setting to RADIUS_CENTERPOINT.
- Leave all other settings as default.
- Repeat the creation of a GeoLink and its configuration, for each type of Function which should be created.