How to access your project data in Power BI
Revision as of 15:32, 15 November 2023 by (talk | contribs)
Data from projects can be accessed by Power BI Desktop using a web connection for the GeoJSON endpoint.
Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Administrative (Ribbon bar) → Show Neighborhoods (Dropdown)
How to access your project data in Power BI.:
- Open any project, and preferable put it on Keep alive.
- Choose an item that you want connect to, such as Neighborhoods
- Hover over Neighborhoods, and in the popup select Export Geo data
- As the format, select GeoJSON (Convert collections to MultiPolygons)
- Click on the second Copy URL button, next to Online GeoJSON Endpoint.
- Open the Power BI Desktop application
- Create a new project or open an existing one.
- Under add Get Data, select Web
- Paste the link in the url field and select ok.
- A new panel opens, and by default, a table is created of all the properties.
- Click on the Close and Apply button.
- In the Visualization panel, select the second option named Stacked column chart.
- A preview should be added to your page section, indicating you need to drag or select a field.
- In the Visualization panel, identify the X-Axis data field.
- In the Data panel, unfold the connection and drag the name field from the list of properties to the X-Axis data field.
- Next, select a value property, such as AANTAL_INWONERS and drag this property to the Y-Axis data field.
- The bar chart should now be created.
- Use the search bar in Power BI to filter data fields.