Heat flow change per year (Function Value)
Function value | Attribute | Unit | Per category | Range | Description |
Heat flow change per year | HEAT_FLOW_M2_CHANGE_PER_YEAR | m²/year | Yes | -1.7976931348623157E308 to 1.7976931348623157E308 | For any net load connected to an address part of a Building of this function, the amount of resources (FLOW) requested in addition to those in the starting year during every subsequent year. The amount of resources requested starts at HEAT_FLOW_M2_START_VALUE in the start year, and is then increased by this value every year until the building's year of creation, and finally multiplied by the size of the address(es) the net load is associated with to get a default FLOW value for the net load. |
- The default values for this Function Value are determined in cooperation with the expert party who commissioned the Network technology.
- The default values are not overwritten during the creation of a new project.