Demo Rainfall Project FAQ & More

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Why does water puddle up in any particular location?
Water is affected in subtle and less subtle ways by a large number of factors: the slope of the terrain, the roughness of the ground, the amount of water and the direction it moves in, just to name a few. It's difficult to provide a single answer to intuitively explain all phenomenons you may see in regards to water flow and retention. What does help is to look for signs that water is flowing towards or away from any place you wish to inspect more closely, and to take into account continued precipitation, evaporation, and infiltration (although infiltration is explicitly disabled for this demo). More information on water flow:
Why can't I apply spatial actions in any particular location?
The Tygron Platform automatically tests whether a spatial action is even possible, based on (among other things) ownership and current usage of land. If any particular location already has a construction, it must first be demolished before a new construction can be placed in the same location. E.g., to place a park where there is currently a garden, the garden must be removed first. The land must also be your to build on. From the perspective of the municipality, plenty of open land is available, but it is not possible to claim or destroy the property of other stakeholders without their consent. More information:
Are there more options for mitigating the effects of rainfall?
Currently, only 2 simple options to affect the calculation are available. In reality (and in the Tygron Platform, more spatial actions exist such as the construction of levees, raising or lowering terrains, or upgrading existing constructions to include water storage. Additionally, it is also possible to change the attributes of parts of the calculation (like the weir heights), such as pump capacities, initial or intended water levels, or sewer capacities. More information on mitigations:
How does any particular setting affect calculation time?
Rainfall is calculated through a series of steps across the entire project area. This makes it difficult to provide a perfect description on how to fine-tune the calculation time for arbitrary projects, although some general rules-of-thumb exist. Setting a longer simulation time, having more water in the 3D world, and a more accurate grid size to perform the calculations on, will require more time to compute. Reducing the accuracy, excluding irrelevant sections from the calculation, and limiting the amount of calculations running in parallel are common ways to speed up the computation. More information on calculation times:

Community discussion

The Tygron community has discussed working with the Water Overlay extensively. The following topics may be of interest:


In case you need further assistance or extra information in implementing the techniques from this tutorial, we have the following support options for all our users available:

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