How to add data to a pre-existing GeoShare Viewer

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A GeoShare Viewer allows for the sharing of geographical data, most notably the results of calculations, via an easily sharable url without requiring the recipient to have an account for the Tygron Platform. Instead, the results are presented as a web viewer. During creation, there are prompts for defining which data should be part of the viewer. However, after the viewer is first created it is still possible to add additional data to the viewer.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Geo Import (Ribbon bar) → Geo Share (Dropdown)
How to add data to a pre-existing GeoShare Viewer:
  1. In the Ribbon, click on the GeoShare link in the upper right.
  2. With the GeoShare opened, navigate to the viewer to add data to.
  3. Double-click on the viewer entry, or click on the "edit" icon to open the viewer's properties.
  4. Click on "Add content". This opens a GeoShare data selection window.
  5. In the GeoShare data selection window, select the file to add to the viewer, and click on "Select".