Traffic Plugin
The Traffic Plugin is an optional geo plugin that is part of the project generation task-flow for new projects situated in the Netherlands. It provides the road system with traffic intensities.

This Traffic Plugin is active when one or more of these source is active as a Geo Option :
In general, the Road's geoplugin for generated projects situated in the Netherlands, use the BGT or Top10NL to place road geometries. The NWB source is used to add the NWB ID to these roads, such that it can be used for matching traffic intensities.


The INWEVA Excel[1] is provided by an infrastructure department of the Dutch government. It contains year average hourly traffic intensities for work and weekdays per traffic group: Cars, Vans and Trucks. In the Tygron Platform the workday traffic intensities are matched to roads. Information from the INWEVA Excel can be matched to roads using the NWB id.

The NWB can provide year-average hourly traffic intensities for work or week days. However, it only contains information on the most prominent roads. Information from the NSL can be matched to roads from the BGT and Top10NL, using the NWB id. When a match is found, the daily traffic intensities are converted to an hourly value in the following way:
- is the daily traffic intensity for traffic type t.
- is the estimated average hourly traffic intensity for traffic type t.
The NSL road section data is obtained from Centraal Instrument Monitoring Luchtkwaliteit and hosted on the Tygron Geoserver. The current data variant that is hosted on our geoserver is cimlk 2022 wegverkeer jaar 2021.
An infrastructure department of the Dutch government provides an Excel file, vi_lucht_geluid_v4.xls[2][3], that contains macro's to estimate traffic intensities for the road properties provided. The following properties are requested:
- The traffic speed based on the type of road. The type of road is determined by other geo plugins, generally selecting the road type based on road names, nwb data and bgt properties of the road (closed, semi closed, gravel or open).
- Single traffic direction or both ways.
- Amount of lanes on the road.
- Adjacent parking and bicycle lanes.
- Degree of urbanization, determined based on zip code or based on CBS Neighborhoods. Only two situations are considered: 5 or < 5.
This leads to the following categorization:
codename | description (Dutch) |
IR_BIBO_50_2x2 | 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 50 km/u, 2 bij 2 of meer rijbanen. |
IR_BIBO_50_1x1_NP | 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 50 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, geen parkeerplekken. |
IR_BIBO_50_1x1_WP_AF | 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 50 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, parkeerplekken, apart fietspad. |
IR_BIBO_50_1x1_WP_GAF | 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 50 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, parkeerplekken, geen apart fietspad. |
IR_BIBO_30 | 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 30 km/u. |
IR_BUBO_80_2x2 | 1 richtingsverkeer, buiten bebouwdekom, 80 km/u, 2 bij 2 of meer rijbanen. |
IR_BUBO_80_1x1_AF | 1 richtingsverkeer, buiten bebouwdekom, 80 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, apart fietspad. |
IR_BUBO_80_1x1_GAF | 1 richtingsverkeer, buiten bebouwdekom, 80 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, geen apart fietspad. |
GIR_BIBO_50_2x2 | geen 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 50 km/u, 2 bij 2 of meer rijbanen. |
GIR_BIBO_50_1x1_NP | geen 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 50 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, geen parkeerplekken. |
GIR_BIBO_50_1x1_WP_AF | geen 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 50 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, parkeerplekken, apart fietspad. |
GIR_BIBO_50_1x1_WP_GAF | geen 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 50 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, parkeerplekken, geen apart fietspad. |
GIR_BIBO_30 | geen 1 richtingsverkeer, binnen bebouwdekom, 30 km/u. |
GIR_BUBO_80_2x2 | geen 1 richtingsverkeer, buiten bebouwdekom, 80 km/u, 2 bij 2 of meer rijbanen. |
GIR_BUBO_80_1x1_AF | geen 1 richtingsverkeer, buiten bebouwdekom, 80 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, apart fietspad. |
GIR_BUBO_80_1x1_GAF | geen 1 richtingsverkeer, buiten bebouwdekom, 80 km/u, minder dan 2 bij 2 rijbanen, geen apart fietspad. |
Each category returns daily traffic values per traffic type. These values are converted to hourly values by multiplying them with 1/24 and then stored in the corresponding function values for the road: Cars, Vans and Trucks;
Additional Road Attributes
The following attributes are added for roads updated with information from the NSL source, but are not used for matching or determining functions. These attributes are only stored as data for the roads.
attribute | description |
HEAVY_TRAFFIC_SPEED | Maximum speed for heavy traffic. |
LEFT_SHIELD_HEIGHT | Height of the (tunneling) shield on the left side of the road. |
LEFT_TO_RIM_DISTANCE | Distance from the left side of the road to the rim of a vehicle. |
LEFT_TO_SHIELD_DISTANCE | Distance from the left side of the road to the (tunneling) shield. |
NUM_LIGHT_VEHICLES_DYN | A dynamic amount of the light vehicles. |
RIGHT_SHIELD_HEIGHT | Height of the (tunneling) shield on the right side of the road. |
RIGHT_TO_RIM_DISTANCE | Distance from the right side of the road to the rim of a vehicle. |
RIGHT_TO_SHIELD_DISTANCE | Distance from the right side of the road to the (tunneling) shield. |
HEIGHT | Height value of the road. |
- ↑
- ↑ Infomil estimates information ∙ Infomil ∙ Found at: ∙ (last visited: 26-9-2022)
- ↑ Infomil VI Lucht en Geluid v4 ∙ Infomil ∙ Found at: ∙ (last visited: 26-9-2022)