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Each surface terrain type contains the following attributes:
Each surface terrain type contains the following attributes:
{{terrain attributes table start}}
{| class="wikitable"
{{:buildable (Terrain Attribute)}}
! Attribute
{{:ground infiltration md (Terrain Attribute)}}
! Unit
{{:heat effect (Terrain Attribute)}}
! Description
{{:livability effect (Terrain Attribute)}}
{{:polder water (Terrain Attribute)}}
{{:safety (Terrain Attribute)}}
{{:terrain mix (Terrain Attribute)}}
|Indication whether a terrain can be built upon or not.
{{:texture type (Terrain Attribute)}}
{{:water (Terrain Attribute)}}
{{:water depth m (Terrain Attribute)}}
{{:water evaporation factor (Terrain Attribute)}}
|Infiltration capacity of the surface soil into the subsoil. This attribute is used in calculations of the [[Rainfall_(Overlay)|Rainfall Overlay]].
{{:water manning (Terrain Attribute)}}
{{table end}}
|Measure of impact on the [[Heat_(Overlay)|heat stress overlay]].
|Measure of impact on the [[Livability_(Overlay)|livability overlay]].
|Value 1: it is possible to build a construction on top or near this terrain type. Value 0: the terrain is not buildable.
|Most constructions can only be built upon land, hence cannot occur on this terrain type. Water terrains play an important part in the calculations by the [[Water_Module|Water Module]]. Three types are distinguised;
*1: waterways: inland and part of managed water system;
*2: water bodies: inland but not part of a managed water system;
*3: sea: sea or ocean.
This distinguishing value is used for several tools and algorithms.
|Whenever a new project is created by going through the [[Wizard|new project wizard]], the water terrains will have a value for the maximum depth. Respectively ''water: 2m'' and ''River water: 3m''.
|Multiplication factor of the reference evaporation (see [[Rainfall_(Overlay)|Rainfall Overlay]]).
|Measure of surface roughness, used in the surface flow computation of the [[Water_Module|Water Module]].


Revision as of 12:48, 17 June 2020

Please note: This page is currently being updated.


(In Dutch)

What is meant by Terrain?

The Tygron Platform uses the term terrain to describe the composition of the surface, subsurface and their elevation in a project. This does not include any features built upon it, which are known as constructions.

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Terrain (Ribbon bar)


The Tygron Platform differentiates between various types of terrain. Each terrain type has its own predefined attributes that may have an effect on various indicators and overlays, such as green, livability and rainfall flooding. A description of all available terrain types is listed in the table below.

EN NL Description
Breakwater Golfbreker A construction designed to protect the coastline from wave action.
Concrete Beton Commonly found in urban and industrial areas.
Dunes Duinen A naturally occurring landscape feature forming the division between the beach and the hinterland.
Grassland Grasland Area dominated by grass vegetation.
Open land Open land The default terrain type for land surface. If an empty world is generated, this type will cover the entire map.
Levee Dijk A construction usually built between a water body and low-lying land (polder) offering protection from flooding.
Sand Zand Area largely consisting of sandy sediment.
Sea Zee Water that is part of a sea or ocean.
Waterbody Watervlakte A water body which is often not part of a 'managed' water system.
Waterway Waterloop A waterway which is often part of a 'managed' water system

Each surface terrain type contains the following attributes: Template:Terrain attributes table start

BUILDABLE boolean Both Whether it is permitted to place Buildings here GROUND_INFILTRATION_MD m/day Surface 0 to 10 The speed at which water can flow vertically from the surface to the unsaturated zone. GROUND_INFILTRATION_MD m/day Ground 0 to 10 The speed at which water can flow vertically from the surface to the unsaturated zone. HEAT_EFFECT °C Surface Measure of impact on the Heat Overlay LIVABILITY_EFFECT Surface Measure of impact on the Livability Overlay. Polder water (Terrain Attribute) Safety (Terrain Attribute) TERRAIN_MIX Surface TEXTURE TYPE Integer Surface 0 to 2 Value used to select the terrain blend color. WATER nominal Surface Whether this Terrain Type represents a form of water (and what type). WATER_DEPTH_M m Surface The default depth of this water Terrain Type, relative to the surrounding elevation. WATER_EVAPORATION_FACTOR factor Surface How fast this terrain can evaporate water from the ground. The weather's evaporation speed is multiplied by this factor to determine the rate of evaporation. WATER_MANNING s/(m1/3) Surface The Gauckler–Manning coefficient of the terrain, which is a measure of surface roughness. Used in the surface flow computation of the Water Overlay. Template:Table end


The Tygron Platform differentiates between various types of subsurface terrain types. Subsurface terrain data was originally acquired from FGR, however, as of version 2019.0.0 this has become BRO. The Subsurface Overlay shows the different soil types composing the subsurface, each having distinctive predefined attributes. The table below shows a division into the different terrain categories, which, in turn, have their own subdivisions into multiple subsurface soil types.

EN NL Description
Gravel Grind
Clay Klei
Chalk Krijt
Loam Leem
Loess Löss
Unknown Onbekend Default, if no subsurface data is available.
Silt Silt
Peat Veen
Sand Zand
Marine clay Zeeklei

Each subsurface terrain type contains the following attributes:

Attribute Unit Description
ANGLE_OF_REPOSE angle (0-90°) The different subsurface types each attain a value for the maximum slope (Dutch: talud). This value is used for creating the water edge steepness and indirect for the water depth.
BUILDABLE boolean Attribute determining whether or not the subsurface tolerates the construction of new buildings.
GROUND_INFILTRATION_MD m/d Infiltration capacity of the surface soil into the subsoil. This attribute is used in calculations of the Water Overlay.
PEAT_FRACTION fraction The fraction of the subsurface which will be considered to be peat by the Subsidence Overlay.
TOPLAYER_THICKNESS m The depth of the clay soil layer, as considered by the Subsidence Overlay
WATER_STORAGE_PERCENTAGE fraction Fraction of the volume of water that can be stored per volume of soil, usually expressed as the saturated minus residual water-content properties of the soil.


From the Terrain tab, the user can choose to manually change the current surface elevation model in the project, or to import one in the form of a GeoTIFF file. More information regarding the elevation model can be found on the terrain height page.