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RE:PEAT is a project created by the Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden, who are a water authority in the Netherlands. The project is concerned with the problems surrounding subsidence in areas with significant peat soil, and the means to remedy or work around the problems surrounding it.

General information

RE:PEAT is available as a Dutch base template. The base template is not playable, but can be applied on any area, provided the requisite data is in order.

The simulation is set up as a planning project. The data loaded in the engine is representative of the current situation. The "original" view shows the situation some amount of years in the future, if no actions are taken at this time. The "maquette" view shows the situation some amount of years in the future, with actions taken at the current situation.


There are 4 stakeholders present in this project:

  • Gemeente: The municipality is the government body who is concerned with the general care for the area, including but not limited to the livability for the residents, the viability of the agricultural sector, and the affordability of the maintenance of the local infrastructure.
  • Bewoners: The residents are the citizens in the area, who are concerned with the livability of the area. Their concerns are with their standards of living, and the costs associated with them.
  • Agrariërs: The farmers are the commercial/agricultural party concerned with revenue, but secondarily also with the quality of their land, both for their crops and the general livability.
  • Waterschap: The water authority is the party in control of the water levels in the area, and with that the main tool for combating subsidence. However, they are also responsible for the costs associated with water management, and other hydrological aspects such as water safety and water quality.


The following indicators are relevant in this template:

  • Beheerkosten: Maintenance costs for roads and underground infrastructure, resulting from subsidence.
  • Bodemdaling: The net amount of subsidence.
  • Budget: The expenses and revenue for each stakeholder individually.
  • CO2 emissies: The amount of CO2 emissions released due to peat oxidation.
  • Gebouwschade: The costs of damages to buildings incurred during the simulation period, due to high groundwater levels and excessive subsidence.
  • Natuurkwaliteit: The rated quality of the natural elements in the area.
  • Netto Toegevoegde Waarde: The Net Value Added in the agricultural sector.
  • Omgevingskwaliteit: The quality of the area, as perceived by the residents.
  • Waterbeheer: The costs of water management, including weirs and pumps.
  • Waterkwaliteit: The quality of water, calculated using nutrients released per plot.
  • Wateroverlast: The damage and duration of inundation due to excessive rainfall.


The following overlays are present in the project, in addition to the default overlays:

  • Bodemdaling: The calculated amount of subsidence.
  • Gemiddeld laagste grondwaterstand: The calculated lowest ground water level.
  • Gemiddeld hoogste grondwaterstand: The calculated highest ground water level.
  • Peilgebieden: The geographic division of the world into level areas.
  • Percelen: The geographic division of the world into plots.
  • Keringen: The geographic location of the (potential) weirs in the world.
  • Grondgebruik: Contains 2 child overlays, displaying locations of agricultural land use, and underground land use.


The project has 2 levels. The first level focuses on the main concerns of the stakeholders, with an individual perspective. Stakeholders have indicators which are primarily only relevant to themselves. The second level add a shared emphasis on the quality of the surroundings, such as water and nature quality, and damages incurred by buildings and by rainfall. Some indicators become shared as well, focusing more strongly on joined objectives.

Applying the template

The template can be applied to any location by following the paragraphs below.

Required data

To make use of this template, two GeoJSON files are expected:

"Percelen" file, for defining plots within an area with discrete data, in the form of "plots".

Attribute Description Example Remark
NAAM The name of the plot. PERCEEL: 1008 This attribute is not loaded in as attribute, but will be the name of the loaded in data.
PERCEEL A marker which indicates that this area represents a plot. 1 All areas which are not plots of this kind should either not have PERCEEL as an attribute, or should have it set to 0.
MVH_NAP Height of the ground level, measured from Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (NAP). 0.45
KLEIDEKM The depth of the clay soil layer. 0.45
GLG The average lowest ground water level, in meters as measured from ground level. 0.75 This water level is used by the engine to calculate actual ground water levels, in combination with water level changes.
GHG The average highest ground water level, in meters as measured from ground level. 0.35 This water level is used by the engine to calculate actual ground water levels, in combination with water level changes.
PEILGEB_N The identification number of the level area which the plot belongs to. 268 The identification number should always be greater than 0.
BODEM_N The type of soil primarily present in the plot 3 1 = peat, 2 = clay, 3 = clay on peat, 4 = sand
SUBSIDENCE Whether this plot is subject to subsidence. 1 When this attribute is not present, subsidence is calculated. When this attribute is present and it's value is 0, subsidence is not calculated. When this attribute is present and it's value is not 0, subsidence is calculated.
PEIL_LAGER The level area to which excess water is pumped off. 268 If this value is not present, or this value is 0, water is presumed to be pumped out of the plan area.

"Peilgebieden" file, for grouping plots together and setting of water levels, in the form of "level areas".

Attribute Description Example Remark
PEIL_NAAM The name of the level area. PEILGEBIED: PG0268 This attribute is not loaded in as attribute, but will be the name of the loaded in data.
PEILGEB A marker which indicates that this area represents a level area. 1 All areas which are not level areas of this kind should either not have PERCEEL as an attribute, or should have it set to 0.
GEM_PEIL The average water level in this level area, measured from Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (NAP). -2.90
PEILGEB_N The identification number of this level area. 0.45 The identification number should always be greater than 0.
URBANIZATION How urban this level area is. Lower values are a more urban area. Higher values are a more rural area. 3

Setting up a new project

Given that the data stated above has been prepared correctly, it's possible to apply the RE:PEAT template on a new area without too much configuration effort.


In the main menu, select the option "Start new project". Choose a name for the new project, and select the RE:PEAT template as the template to use. Select the area you wish to include in your project, and select "Generate Map". Depending on the size and complexity of the selected area, loading in an area may take some time. This step is completed when the 3D world becomes visible.

Loading in data

The GeoJSON files can now be loaded in. It's not required to load them in in any particular order, but loading in the "percelen" file first and the "peilgebieden" file second is preferred. The files can be loaded in by dragging them into the engine, and opting to load them in as areas. Do not merge the polygons. Use the name attribute as the name for the data, and load in all the attributes listed above.

After the data has been loaded in, additional data has to be created. In the menu for areas, the option for creating Border Areas can be selected. This will create the border areas between the various level areas, for calculations of required weirs. The borders have to be created between areas with the "PEILGEB" attribute. The attribute "BORDER" must be added to the new areas. The width of the border area should be set to 30 meters. (The width can also be set to a different value to allow for level areas which are further apart, but this will require adjusting the CONFIG_AUTOMATIC_BORDER_WIDTH global accordingly.)

When all geographical information has been loaded in and/or created, the indicators can be triggered to make use of this data. In the menu for indicators, select the option "Reset X Queries". Wait until the data has been processed, and confirm that all the indicators now start displaying data.

Template Panels

To control the water levels in the project, some generic panels are present in the project. These panels must be applied as part of the setup of the project. For each of the template panels, select the panel, and select "Apply Template". Confirm the creation of the panels. After doing this for each template panel, each template panel should now have a set of child panels, and each of the 4 stakeholders should now have those panels visible in the 3D world.

Tax panels

A few of the stakeholder also have options for setting tax rates from other stakeholders. These are housed in single panels. Each of the tax single panels has 3 attributes, which can be altered to reflect the desired or actual situation:

  • TAX_AMOUNT_PER_YEAR is the base amount of money transferred per year between stakeholders.
  • TAX_DISPLAYED is the displayed value for this option (for example, the rate per individual household).
  • TAX_PERCENTAGE is the percentage difference between options when changing this tax rate.


To provide insight into the data in the project, the geographical data can be loaded into overlays. Three overlays should have data added to them:

  • Peilgebieden should contain all the areas with the attribute "PEILGEB"
  • Percelen (child overlay of the Peilgebieden overlay) should contain all the areas with the attribute "PERCEEL"
  • Keringen (child overlay of the Peilgebieden overlay) should contain all the areas with the attribute "BORDER"

For each of these overlays, select the option "Add Areas with Attribute", and select the specified attribute. Depending on the presence of the attributes in other datasets, it is not neccesary to use the "With Value" filter. If the attribute is also present in other datasets but with a value of 0, it would be prudent to set "With Value" to "1".

Year and climate

The subsidence overlay is called the "Bodemdaling" overlay, which is the grid in which the subsidence is calculated. This is done according to the following formula: Subsidence = GLG * a - clay thickness * b - c. The parameters for this formula can be adjusted in the subsidence overlay to configure the climate scenario. The amount of years to consider in the simulation can also be set here. More years means greater subsidence, and more severe consequences.

Miscellaneous globals

There are a number remaining variables which can be configured:

  • GAME_START_YEAR: The base year from which the simulation projects into the future.
  • COW_INTENSITY: The cow intensity can be set to 1 (sparse) through 4 (dense).
  • SETTING_AGRICULTURE_COW_INTENSITY_ORIGINAL: This should be set to the same value as the COW_INTENSITY.
  • FEEDPRICE: The price of feed for cows, when the grassland is insufficienty fertile.
  • SETTING_AGRICULTURE_FEEDPRICE_ORIGINAL: This should be set to the same value as the FEEDPRICE.
  • MILKPRICE: The price of milk, which is the revenue generated by cows.
  • SETTING_AGRICULTURE_MILKPRICE_ORIGINAL: This should be set to the same value as the FEEDPRICE.
  • SETTING_INTEREST_PERCENTAGE: The interest percentage used for write-off calculations.
  • SETTING_URBANIZATION_THRESHOLD: The value at and below which the URBANIZATION attribute indicates urban areas.
  • WATER DAMANGE_RAIN_T10_IN_M: The amount of rainfall in a once-every-10-years downpour, for calculating the water damage.
  • WATER DAMANGE_RAIN_T100_IN_M: The amount of rainfall in a once-every-100-years downpour, for calculating the water damage.

When these settings have been changed, the indicators can be triggered to make use of this data. In the menu for indicators, select the option "Reset to Start Values". Wait until the data has been processed, and confirm that all the indicators now start displaying data.

Exact data calculations

By default the project is set for processing impact sessions. However, the project can also be configured to output more exact data values in its indicators, to be used in data analysis. When the "CONFIG_OUTPUT_TYPE" global is set to "1", several of the indicators will output their information per level area, in exact and absolute values. The project can be concerned with any area, as long as the data described above is loaded in properly.

The results of the indicators can be read out directly in the indicator panels. However, for larger areas the amount of level areas may exceed the display capability of the indicator panel. In these situations it is recommended to access the session and its indicators via the API.